Sample midterm questions for the first part of Biology 102 from Fred Rhoades' vast test bank.

There will be 40 of these questions plus 10 points of short answer questions, asking you to recall similar types of information.

_____ 1. The process by which some bacteria make energy rich carbohydrates using energy found in inorganic molecules is called _______ .
A. photosynthesis                       D. chemosynthesis
B. heterotrophy                          E. none of the above
C. nitrogen fixation

_____ 2. A unique feature of the diatoms that is not true of any other algal group is that _____ .
A. They are classified in the Eubacteria
B. They are classified in the Protista
C. They have cell walls almost entirely composed of glass
D. They have three flagella on each cell
E.  They are always colonial in their cellular organization

_____ 3. The earliest discovered fossils date back to _____ .
A. 4.5 billion years ago
B. 3.5 billion years ago
C. 1 billion years ago
D. 600 million years ago
E. 180 million years ago

_____ 4.  Which of the following dimensions is not the same?
A. 1/1000 Meter                                              D.  1 x 10-6 Meter
B. 1 micrometer                                               E. 1/1000 millimeter
C. the average width of most bacterial cells

_____ 5. Which of the following organisms first gave the Earth its oxygen-containing atmosphere?
A. cyanobacteria     B. methanogens     C. early protozoans     D. plants     E. green algae

_____ 6. Which of the following points supports the endosymbiotic theory of eukaryotic cell development?
A. Mitochondria have their own DNA molecules.
B. The ribosomes of mitochondria are identical to the ribosomes in other parts of the eukaryotic cell.
C. All of the DNA in eukaryotic cells is confined to the nucleus.
D. Mitochondria are surrounded by a single membrane.
E. All of these

_____ 7. How do coral animals obtain their food?  (Choose a letter choice below, based on the following numbered answers)
          1. tentacles that trap food particles
          2. absorption of predigested food through their outer cell layer
          3. dinoflagellates, photosynthetic protists, that live in the corals' tissues
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. both 1 and 3
E. both 2 and 3

_____ 8. Radial symmetry is exhibited by which of the following animals?
A. medusas
B. polyps
C. roundworms
D. all of these
E. both medusas and polyps

_____ 9. Which of the following is a type of cell in sponges that picks up food, digests it, and carries the nutrients to other cells?
A. collar cells
B. stinger cells
C. jelly cells
D. pore cells
E. phagocytes

_____ 10. Mycoplasmas (bacteria that cause walking pneumonia) differ from other bacteria in what respect?

A. They have cell walls                           D. They have no ribosomes
B. They do not have cell walls                 E. They cause disease
C. They have chromosomes

_____ 11. Which organisms are dominant components of sewage treatment plants?

A. Bacteria       B. Protozoa        C. Algae       D. Round worms     E. Flatworms

_____ 12. What is the "smallest" unit (i.e. least inclusive) of classification of living organisms?
A. genus      B. species      C. order      D. kingdom      E. phylum

_____ 13. What feature of the Protozoa, is mainly used to distinguish the different larger groups into which they are placed?
A. type of movement or lack of movement
B. pigmentation
C. type of flagellum:   prokaryotic or eukaryotic
D. type of DNA
E. presence of nuclei

_____ 14. Free-living flatworms such as planarians do NOT have ________ .
A. anterior (head) and posterior (tail) ends
B. one-way (mouth to anus) digestive tracts
C. sensory structures
D. true tissues
E. a mouth

_____ 15. Tapeworms are long, flat and lack any digestive tract at all. They absorb digested contents from the digestive tracts of their hosts. They have a "typical" animal life cycle, producing zygotes by the union of eggs and sperm. Each of the following is true, BUT, why are they classified in the Flatworm Phylum in the Animal Kingdom?
   A. they lack a digestive system
   B. they are multicellular
   C. they have a typical animal life cycle
   D. they infect animals
   E. they can be shown to be closely related in all other body structures to free-living flatworms

Answers to these questions can be found HERE.